无机化工 >> 无机盐
产品介绍 溴化钾Potassium Bromide 分子式:KBr 分子量:119.0023 用 途:用于电影胶片、照相胶卷的乳剂或配制显影剂,在医疗上用作镇静剂 性 质:白色晶体。无臭,味咸而微苦。 溶于水(100℃时溶解度为102g/100ml)和甘油,微溶于乙醇,略有潮解性,水溶液呈中性。 熔点 734℃ 、沸点 1435℃ 、相对密度 2.75 CAS #: 7789-38-0 Molecular formula:KBr Molecular weight:119.01 Application:Used in the manufacture of photographic film developer, film thickener, color photo bleach. It is used as a nerve tranquilizer in medicine. It is also used in the manufacture of special soaps, engravings and lithographs. Property:White crystal, odorless, salty and slightly bitter, specific gravity 2.75 (25 ℃), melting point 734℃, boiling point 1435℃, soluble in water and glycerin, insoluble in alcohol and ether, slightly deliquescent, aqueous solution is neutral. CAS#:7758-02-3 |