PA1 2HCl is a photoswitchable epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) blocker. PA1 2HCl enables the optical control of ENaC channels, in particular the δβγ isoform, by switching between blue and green light, or by turning on and off blue light. PA1 2HCl was used to modify functionally δβγENaC in amphibian and mammalian cells. References: Schonberger M, Althaus M, Fronius M, Clauss W, Trauner D. Controlling epithelial sodium channels with light using photoswitchable amilorides. Nat Chem. 2014 Aug;6(8):712-9. doi: 10.1038/nchem.2004. Epub 2014 Jul 20. PubMed PMID: 25054942.