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位置:首页 > 产品库 > Oridonin(NSC-250682)
CAS NO:28957-04-2

Molecular Weight (MW)364.43
CAS No.28957-04-2
Storage-20℃ for 3 years in powder form
-80℃ for 2 years in solvent
Solubility (In vitro)DMSO: > 10 mM
Water: N/A
Ethanol: N/A
Other info
Chemical Name: Kaur-16-en-15-one, 7,20-epoxy-1,6,7,14-tetrahydroxy-, (1alpha,6beta,7alpha,14R)-
InChi Code: InChI=1S/C20H28O6/c1-9-10-4-5-11-18-8-26-20(25,19(11,14(9)22)15(10)23)16(24)13(18)17(2,3)7-6-12(18)21/h10-13,15-16,21,23-25H,1,4-8H2,2-3H3/t10-,11-,12-,13+,15+,16-,18+,19-,20-/m0/s1
SMILES Code: C=C([C@H](CC1)[C@H]2O)C([C@@]32[C@]4(O)[C@@H](O)[C@]5([H])C(C)(C)CC[C@H](O)[C@@]5(CO4)[C@@]31[H])=O
SynonymsNSC250682; Isodonol; NSC-250682; NSC 250682; Oridonine
In Vitro

In vitro activity: Oridonin is a cell-permeable diterpenoid compound that possesses anti NF-κB activity and displays antiproliferative (ED50 ~ 2.7 μg/ml in lymphoid malignant cells) and antiangiogenic properties (significantly inhibits network formation of HMEC-1 cells at 2.5 μg/ml). Reported to affect DNA synthesis, induce apoptosis and initiate cell cycle arrest. Shown to efficiently block both TNF-α and LPS-induced NF-κB activity in Jurkat and in RAW264.7 murine macrophages, and inhibit p65 NF-κB transcriptional activity (IC50 ~ 5 μg/ml in MT-1 cells) by disrupting NF-κB DNA-binding activity without interfering with its nuclear translocation.

Kinase Assay: or the AKT kinase assay, the ADP-Glo(TM) Kinase Assay Kit is used. Active AKT1 or AKT2 kinase and inactive GSK-3β as substrate are mixed by 1× reaction buffer and then added to a white 96-well plate. Pure ATP provided in the kit is serially diluted obtain a final concentration of 0, 1, 10, 50, and 100 μM. GSK-3β is added to reach a final concentration of 2.5, 5, 10 or 20 μM and DMSO is used as a control. The mixed solution is incubated at room temperature and luciferase activity is measured using the Luminoskan Ascent plate reader

Cell Assay: Cells are seeded (6×103 cells/well for KYSE70; 2.5×103 cells/well for KYSE410; 2×103 cells/well for KYSE450) in 96-well plates and incubated for 24 h and then treated with different amounts of Oridonin or vehicle. After incubation for 24, 48 or 72 h, cell proliferation is measured by the MTT assay. For anchorage-independent cell growth assessment, cells (2.5, 5 or 10 μM Oridonin) suspended in complete medium are added to 0.3% agar with vehicle, 2.5, 5 or 10 μM Oridonin in a top layer over a base layer of 0.5% agar with vehicle, 2.5, 5 or 10 μM Oridonin. The cultures are maintained at 37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator for 3 weeks and then colonies are visualized under a microscope and counted using the Image-Pro Plus software program.

In VivoOridonin (160 mg/kg, p.o.) shows significant reduction in the tumor growth without obvious weigh loss in SCID mice bearing EG9 and HEG18 tumor cells. Oridonin treatment also suppresses the expression of Ki-67, phosphorylated AKT, GSK-3β or mTOR in mice. Oridonin (15 mg/kg, i.p.) impairs cell growth in breast cancer with hyperactivation of AKT signaling in nude mice
Animal model Mice
Formulation & DosageBreast cancer cells are harvested and resuspended in 40% Matrigel-Basement Membrane Matrix, LDEV-free, and then injected (100 μL per site) into the fourth pair of mammary fat pads of nude mice (CrTac: NCr-Foxn1nu). Tumors are measured in two dimensions using manual calipers. Tumor volume is calculated using the formula: Volume = 0.5 × length × width × width. Tumor volume is measured every 2-3 days. Upon harvesting, tumors are fixed in formalin overnight and then in 70% ethanol for histopathology analysis. Mice are treated with Oridonin (15 mg/kg) in 1% Pluronic F68 or vehicle (1% Pluronic F68) daily by intraperitoneal (IP) injection. BEZ235 is reconstituted 1:9 in 1-methyl-2 pyrolidone and polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG300) Mice are treated with this compound formulation at 45 mg/kg daily (QD) by oral gavage
ReferencesJ. Nat. Prod. 67: 2-4, 2004; Mol. Cancer Ther. 4: 578-586, 2005; Oncotarget. 2018 Feb 1;9(35):23878-23889.