Deramciclane fumarate is a putative anxiolytic compound, and a 5-HT(2A/C) antagonist. In rats, a single high dose of deramciclane has the neuroleptic- or buspirone-like effect, particularly in mesolimbic regions. References: Kaariainen TM, Lehtonen M, Forsberg MM, Savolainen J, Kaenmaki M, Mannisto PT. Comparison of the effects of deramciclane, ritanserin and buspirone on extracellular dopamine and its metabolites in striatum and nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2008 Jan;102(1):50-8. Epub 2007 Oct 25. PubMed PMID: 17971064.