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位置:首页 > 产品库 > 18β-Glycyrrhetinic acid
18β-Glycyrrhetinic acid
18β-Glycyrrhetinic acid图片
CAS NO:471-53-4

Cas No.471-53-4
别名甘草次酸,18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid
化学名18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid
Canonical SMILESCC1(C2CCC3(C(C2(CCC1O)C)C(=O)C=C4C3(CCC5(C4CC(CC5)(C)C(=O)O)C)C)C)C
溶解度19.23 mg/mL (40.86 mM; Need ultrasonic)
储存条件Store at -20℃
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid, a diet-derived compound, is an inhibitor of NF-kB and an activator of proteasome, which serves as pro-longevity and anti-aggregation factor in a multicellular organism. 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid induces apoptosis[1][2].

18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid (18a-GA) markedly reduces LX-2 cell numbers by 14.8% and 31.2% after 48 h and 72 h of treatment, respectively (P< 0.05). 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid also significantly increases the percentage of LX-2 cells in phase G0/G1 and decreases it in phase S after treated for 48 h and 72 h compare with the control group. 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid increases apoptosis to 6.8% at 48 h, compare with control (2.5%), and at 72 h the percentages of apoptotic cells in control and the treatment groups are 3.1% and 15.6%, respectively, in LX-2 cells (P<0.01). Furthermore, 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid induces expression of PPAR-γ and alters some cell cycle and apoptosis-related proteins. 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid also inhibits NF-κB DNA-binding activity[1].

18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid (18α-GA) treatment significantly enhances life span of C. elegans strains with the most effective concentration being 20 μg/mL. Results reveal a significant delay of paralysis upon 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid treatment. 18α-Glycyrrhetinic acid treatment also confers a significant reduction of Aβ deposits[2].

[1]. Zong L et al. 18α-glycyrrhetinic acid extracted from Glycyrrhiza radix inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis of the hepatic stellate cell line. J Dig Dis. 2013 Jun;14(6):328-36.
[2]. Papaevgeniou N, et al. 18α-Glycyrrhetinic Acid Proteasome Activator Decelerates Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Progression in Caenorhabditis elegans and Neuronal Cultures. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2016 Dec 1;25(16):855-869.