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Aplaviroc hydrochloride
Aplaviroc hydrochloride图片
CAS NO:461023-63-2

Aplaviroc (AK 602) hydrochloride,SDP的一个衍生物,是 CCR5 的拮抗剂,其对 HIV-1Ba-L, HIV-1JRFL 和 HIV-1MOKW 的 IC50 值为 0.1-0.4 nM。
Cas No.461023-63-2
别名AK602 hydrochloride; GSK-873140 hydrochloride; GW-873140 hydrochloride
溶解度DMSO : 500 mg/mL (814.11 mM; Need ultrasonic)
储存条件Store at -20°C
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

Aplaviroc (AK 602) hydrochloride, a SDP derivative, is a CCR5 antagonist, with IC50s of 0.1-0.4 nM for HIV-1Ba-L, HIV-1JRFL and HIV-1MOKW.

Aplaviroc exerts potent activity against three wild-type R5 HIV-1 strains (HIV-1Ba-L, HIV-1JRFL and HIV-1MOKW) with IC50 values of 0.1 to 0.4 nM. Aplaviroc is substantially more potent than two previously published CCR5 inhibitors, E921/TAK-779 and AK671/SCH-C. Aplaviroc suppresses the infectivity and replication of two HIV-1MDR variants, HIV-1MM and HIV-1JSL, at extremely low concentrations (IC50 values of 0.4 to 0.6 nM). Aplaviroc binds to CCR5 with high affinity. The Kd values thus determined for Aplaviroc, E913, E921/TAK-779, and AK671/SCH-C are 2.9±1.0, 111.7±3.5, 32.2±9.6, and 16.0±1.5 nM, respectively. Aplaviroc potently blocks rgp120/sCD4 binding to CCR5 with an IC50 value of 2.7 nM. These results suggest that the potent activity of Aplaviroc against R5 HIV-1 stems from its binding to ECL2B and/or its vicinity with high affinity, resulting in inhibition of gp120/CD4 binding to CCR5[1].

The concentration of Aplaviroc (AK602) reached the maximal concentration immediately after intraperitoneal administration and decreased rapidly[2].Aplaviroc (AK602, 60 mg/kg, bid, daily) suppresses R5 HIV-1 viremia in hu-PBMC-NOG mice[2].

[1]. Maeda K, et al. Spirodiketopiperazine-based CCR5 inhibitor which preserves CC-chemokine/CCR5 interactions and exerts potent activity against R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in vitro. J Virol. 2004 Aug;78(16):8654-62.
[2]. Hirotomo Nakata, et al. Potent anti-R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 effects of a CCR5 antagonist, AK602/ONO4128/GW873140, in a novel human peripheral blood mononuclear cell nonobese diabetic-SCID, interleukin-2 receptor gamma-chain-knocked-out AIDS mouse model. Virol. 2005 Feb;79(4):2087-96.