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Sodium ionophore III(ETH2120)
Sodium ionophore III(ETH2120)图片

Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120) (ETH2120) 是一种 Na+ 离子载体,适用于测定血液、血浆、血清中钠的活性。

Cell lines

Acetobacter xylostella cells

Preparation Method

After the cell suspensions were gassed with H2 for 30 min at 30 !ムin a shaking water bath at 180 rpm, caffeate was added as indicated in the figure legends from an 0.1 M stock solution. The ionophores N,N, Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120), tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS), 2-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-benzylidene)-malononitrile (SF6487), and the ATPase inhibitor N,N -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) were added as ethanolic solutions as indicated in the figure legends

Dosage form

20 ?M ETH2120 for 24h


Preincubation of the cells with the Na+ ionophore sodium ionophore III not only stimulated caffeate reduction(by Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120)), but completely abolished ATP synthesis. Addition of sodium ionophore III to cells in the steady state of caffeate reduction immediately dissipated the intracellular ATP level[1].


Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120) is a Na+ ionophore.

Cell suspensions of Acetobacterium woodii prepared from cultures grown on fructose plus caffeate catalyzed caffeate reduction with electrons derived from molecular hydrogen. The sodium ionophore Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120), stimulated hydrogen-dependent caffeate reduction by 280%, indicating that caffeate reduction is coupled to the buildup of a membrane potential generated by primary Na(+) extrusion[1]. Rnf is a membrane protein complex, The addition of the protonophore TCS strongly inhibited lactate-sulfate dependent growth whereas the sodium ionophore Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120) had no effect, indicating a role for the proton gradient during growth.[2]. In the considered nitrobenzene medium, the investigated Sodium ionophore III ligand is a very effective receptor for the Eu3+ and Am3+ cations[3].

The addition of the Na+-selective ionophore Sodium ionophore III (ETH2120) or the protonophore CCCP or the H+/cation-antiporter monensin revealed that an H+ gradient is used as primary energy conservation mechanism, which strengthens the exceptional position of C. aceticum as acetogenic bacterium showing an H+-dependent energy conservation mechanism as well as Na+-dependent growth[4].

[1]: Imkamp F, MUller V. Chemiosmotic energy conservation with Na(+) as the coupling ion during hydrogen-dependent caffeate reduction by Acetobacterium woodii. J Bacteriol. 2002 Apr;184(7):1947-51. doi: 10.1128/JB.184.7.1947-1951.2002. PMID: 11889102; PMCID: PMC134933.
[2]: Wang L, Bradstock P, et,al. The role of Rnf in ion gradient formation in Desulfovibrio alaskensis. PeerJ. 2016 Apr 14;4:e1919. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1919. PMID: 27114876; PMCID: PMC4841214.
[3]: MakrlIk, E., KvI?alovA, M. et,al.Sodium Ionophore III as Very Effective Receptor for Trivalent Europium and Americium. J Solution Chem 45, 463-474 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10953-016-0447-0
[4]: Mayer A, Weuster-Botz D. Reaction engineering analysis of the autotrophic energy metabolism of Clostridium aceticum. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2017 Dec 1;364(22). doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnx219. PMID: 29069379.