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Destruxin B2
Destruxin B2图片
CAS NO:79386-00-8

A mycotoxin with antiviral, insecticidal, and phytotoxic activities
Cas No.79386-00-8
Canonical SMILESO=C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N(C)[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N(C)[C@H]1C)=O)=O)[C@@]2([H])N(CCC2)C([C@@H](CC(C)C)OC(CCNC1=O)=O)=O
溶解度Soluble in DMSO
储存条件Store at -20°C
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

Destruxin B2 is a cyclic hexadepsipeptide mycotoxin that has been found in M. anisopliae and has antiviral, insecticidal, and phytotoxic activities.1,2,3 It inhibits secretion of hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) by Hep3B cells expressing hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA (IC50 = 1.3 μM).1 Destruxin B2 is toxic to Sf9 insect cells in an electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) test with a 50% inhibitory concentration (ECIS50) value of 92 μM.4 It is also phytotoxic to B. napus leaves.3

|1. Yeh, S.F., Pan, W., Ong, G.-T., et al. Study of structure-activity correlation in destruxins, a class of cyclodepsipeptides possessing suppressive effect on the generation of hepatitis B virus surface antigen in human hepatoma cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 229(1), 65-72 (1996).|2. Male, K.B., Tzeng, Y.-M., Montes, J., et al. Probing inhibitory effects of destruxins from Metarhizium anisopliae using insect cell based impedance spectroscopy: Inhibition vs chemical structure. Analyst 134(7), 1447-1452 (2009).|3. Buchwaldt, L., and Green, H. Phytotoxicity of destruxin B and its possible role in the pathogenesis of Alternaria brassicae. Plant Pathol. 41(1), 55-63 (1992).