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CAS NO:20448-79-7
10mM (in 1mL Water)电议

BCH (BCH) 是一种选择性和竞争性的大中性氨基酸转运蛋白 1 (LAT1) 抑制剂,显着抑制细胞对氨基酸的摄取和 mTOR 磷酸化,从而抑制癌症生长和细胞凋亡。
Cas No.20448-79-7
别名2-氨基-2-去甲菠烷羧酸,2-amino-2-Norbornanecarboxylic Acid
化学名(1S,2S,4R)-2-aminobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid
Canonical SMILESOC([C@]1([C@@H](CC2)C[C@@H]2C1)N)=O
溶解度10mg/mL in PBS, pH 7.2
储存条件Store at RT
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

The L-type amino acid transporters (LATs) are Na+-dependent neutral amino acid transporters.[1] They include four members in two sub-families, with LAT1 and LAT2 belonging to solute carrier (SLC) family 7 and LAT3 and LAT4 being members of SLC43.1 LAT1 is overexpressed in many tumors and contributes to ribosome biogenesis and cell growth by supporting mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling.[2] BCH is an inhibitor of LAT1 that blocks the uptake of L-leucine with an IC50 value of 131.5 μM.[3],[4] It can inhibit all members of the LAT family at a concentration of 10 mM.[1] In addition to eliminating the uptake of neutral amino acids, BCH suppresses mTORC1 signaling that drives DNA synthesis and cell proliferation.[1],[2] LAT1 is also essential for the uptake of amino acid-related compounds, like L-DOPA, through the blood-brain barrier, and this can be inhibited by BCH.[4],[5]

[1]. Wang, Q., and Holst, J. L-type amino acid transport and cancer: Targeting the mTORC1 pathway to inhibit neoplasia. Am.J.Cancer Res. 5(4), 1281-1294 (2015).
[2]. Dann, S.G., Selvaraj, A., and Thomas, G. mTOR Complex1-S6K1 signaling: At the crossroads of obesity, diabetes and cancer. Trends Mol. Med. 13(6), 252-259 (2007).
[3]. Fraga, S., Serrao, M.P., and Soares-Da-Silva, P. L-type amino acid transporters in two intestinal epithelial cell lines function as exchangers with neutral amino acids. Journal of Nutrition 132(4), 733-738 (2002).
[4]. Kim, D.K., Kanai, Y., Choi, H.W., et al. Characterization of the system L amino acid transporter in T24 human bladder carcinoma cells. Biochim Biophys.Acta. 1565(1), 112-121 (2002).
[5]. Kageyama, T., Nakamura, M., Matsuo, A., et al. The 4F2hc/LAT1 complex transports L-DOPA across the blood-brain barrier. Brain Research 879(1-2), 115-121 (2000).