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Ceruletide (Caerulein) 是一种十肽和有效的胆囊收缩素受体激动剂。

Cell lines

Isolated rat pancreatic glands

Preparation Method

An isolated external perfusion of a rat pancreas included a normal perfusion (KRB, 60 minutes), a long term perfusion (KRB, 240 minutes) and a perfusion (60 minutes) including an additive of the detergents triton x-100 or the cholecystokinin analogue ceruletide (1x10-8M).

Reaction Conditions

1x10-8M; 60 or 240 min


During a perfusion with the cholecystokinin analogue ceruletide (1x108M), there is an increase of lipase after 30 minutes and an increase of amylase after 50 minutes perfusion.

Animal models


Preparation Method

Rats were i.v. infused for 6 h with either ceruletide (5 μg/kg/h) or ceruletide + Gabexate mesilate (50 mg/kg/h).

Dosage form

5 μg/kg/h; i.v.


In Gabexate mesilate-treated rats the serum amylase and trypsinogen concentrations were reduced by 60 and 80%, respectively, compared to rats infused with ceruletide alone.


Ceruletide, as a decapeptide and a potent cholecystokinetic agent, has a direct spasmogenic effect on the gallbladder muscle and bile ducts in humans and animals.[1]

In vitro experiment it indicated that at 1, 10, and 100 nmol/L, cerulein induced NF-kB–binding activity in a dose-dependent. But 0.3 nmol/L cerulein had no effect on activation NF-kappaB/Rel.[7]

In vivo, at a dose of 100 μg/kg, ceruletide decreased the rates of spontaneous locomotor activity and rearing, and also inhibited methylphenidate- and methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity in both sham-operated and vagotomized mice to same extent.[2]In vivo efficacy test it shown that rabbits were treated with 8 and 50 μg/kg of ceruletide decreased the plasma homovanillic acid levels, but had no significant differences. 140 and 200 μg/kg ceruletide had remarkable reduction of plasma homovanillic acid.[3]Ceruletide (100 μg/kg, s.c.) influenced the central dopaminergic system, enhanced the central effects of neuroleptics and had the potent therapeutic effects in the clinical trials.[4]In a mouse hypoxia model, treatment with 1-100 μg/kg ceruletide subcutaneously obviously prevented the CO-induced impairment of performance and the amelioration being correlated with the severity of hypoxia.[5]In addition, treatment with 10-300 μg/kg intraperitoneally ceruletide slightly but remarkably decreased the response rate (frequency of shuttles) under a discrete avoidance task in mice.[6]

[1].Vincent ME, et al. Pharmacology, clinical uses, and adverse effects of ceruletide, a cholecystokinetic agent. Pharmacotherapy. 1982 Jul-Aug;2(4):223-34.
[2].Moroji T, Hagino Y. Bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagotomy does not prevent the behavioral effects of systematically administered ceruletide in mice. Neuropeptides. 1987 Apr;9(3):217-24.
[3].Wakata N, et al. Effect of ceruletide on plasma monoamine metabolites in the rabbit. J Neurol Sci. 1991 May;103(1):97-100
[4].Hagino Y, Moroji T. Effect of ceruletide on discriminated avoidance behavior in rats. Neuropeptides. 1987 Nov-Dec;10(4):335-42.
[5].Maurice T, et al. Cholecystokinin-related peptides, after systemic or central administration, prevent carbon monoxide-induced amnesia in mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994 May;269(2):665-73.
[6].Kuribara H, et al. Effects of ceruletide, administered singly and in combination with central-acting drugs, on discrete shuttle avoidance response in mice. Jpn J Pharmacol. 1990 Nov;54(3):325-9.
[7].Steinle AU, et al. NF-kappaB/Rel activation in cerulein pancreatitis. Gastroenterology. 1999 Feb;116(2):420-30.