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11-keto-β-Boswellic Acid
11-keto-β-Boswellic Acid图片
CAS NO:17019-92-0

11-Keto-beta-boswellic acid (11-Keto-β-boswellic acid) 是来自乳香锯齿树树皮的油树脂的五环三萜酸,俗称印度乳香。 11-Keto-beta-boswellic acid 具有抗炎活性主要是由于抑制 5-脂氧合酶 (5-LOX) 和随后的白三烯和核因子-kappa B (NF-κB) 激活和肿瘤坏死因子 alpha 的产生生产。
Cas No.17019-92-0
别名11-酮基-BETA-乳香酸,11-oxo-β-Boswellic acid,KBA
化学名(3α,4β)-3-hydroxy-11-oxo-urs-12-en-23-oic acid
Canonical SMILESO=C1C=C2[C@](CC[C@]3(C)C2[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)CC3)(C)[C@]4(C)CCC5[C@@](C)(C(O)=O)[C@H](O)CC[C@]5(C)C41
溶解度≤5mg/ml in ethanol;25mg/ml in DMSO;25mg/ml in dimethyl formamide
储存条件4°C, protect from light
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

IC50: 35.8 μM: inhibits MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinoma) [1].

37.9 μM: blocks A2780 (cis-platin resistant ovarian cancer cells) [1].

11-keto-β-Boswellic Acid, known as KBA, is a naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpene isolated from the gum resin of the tree Boswellia serrata. KBA is non-redox, specific leukotriene synthesis inhibitors through the inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) which has anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory activities. 5-LOX catalyzes essential fatty acids substrates into leukotrienes and a variety of other biologically active products. KBA is a novel activator of nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), which protects against cerebral ischemic injury.

In vitro: KBA, concentration dependently, decreased the formation of leukotriene B4 and the synthesis of all 5-LOX products from endogenous arachidonic acid in rat peritoneal neutrophils. In contrast, KBA exerted no remarkable effects on the 12-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase activities. [2].

In vivo: Adult male Sprague–Dawley rats were injected KAB intraperitoneally at a dose of 25 mg/kg for 48 hours. KAB remarkably decreased infarct volumes as well as apoptotic cells at 1 h, and then increased neurologic scores when applied 48 h. Moreover, posttreatment with KBA induced the decrease of malondialdehyde levels and the increase of protein Nrf2 and heme oxygenase-1 expression in brain tissues, indicating that the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway was involved in the neuroprotection of KBA against oxidative stress-induced ischemic injury [3].

[1].  Csuk, R., Barthel-Niesen, A., Barthel, A., Schffer, R., & Al-Harrasi, A. 11-Keto-boswellic acid derived amides and monodesmosidic saponins induce apoptosis in breast and cervical cancers cells. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2015; 100: 98-105.
[2].  Safayhi, H., Mack, T. H. O. M. A. S., Sabieraj, J. O. A. C. H. I. M., Anazodo, M. I., Subramanian, L. R., & Ammon, H. P. Boswellic acids: novel, specific, nonredox inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 1992; 261(3):1143-1146.
[3].  Ding, Y., Chen, M., Wang, M., Li, Y., & Wen, A. Posttreatment with 11-Keto-β-Boswellic Acid Ameliorates Cerebral Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury: Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway as a Potential Mechanism. Molecular Neurobiology. 2014; 52(3): 1430-1439.