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S63845 TFA
S63845 TFA图片
CAS NO:1799633-27-4

Molecular Weight (MW)943.28
FormulaC39H37ClF4N6O6S · C2HF3O2
CAS No.1799633-27-4 (free base)
Storage-20℃ for 3 years in powder form
-80℃ for 2 years in solvent
Solubility (In vitro)DMSO: >41.45mg/mL
Water: >10mg/mL
Methanol: >20mg/mL
Solubility (In vivo)O=C(O)[C@@H](CC1=C(OCC2=CC=NN2CC(F)(F)F)C=CC=C1)OC3=C4C(SC(C5=CC=C(F)O5)=[C@@]4 [C@@]6=C(C)C(Cl)=C(OCCN7CCN(C)CC7)C=C6)=NC=N3.
SynonymsS63845 Trifluoroacetic acid; S-63845 TFA; S 63845
In Vitro

In vitro activity: S63845 is a small molecule MCL1 inhibitor with Ki < 1.2 nM. S63845 is effective against haematological cancer-derived cell lines. S63845 potently killed MCL1-dependent H929 multiple myeloma cells. S63845 disrupted binding of BAK and BAX to MCL1 in HeLa cells. Treatment with S63845 increased MCL1 protein levels in the HCT-116 colon carcinoma cell line. In the tested myeloma cell lines, some were highly sensitive to S63845 (IC50< 0.1 μM), six lines were moderately sensitive (0.1 μM < IC50 < 1 μM) and two lines were insensitive (IC50> 1 μM). In a panel of human lymphomas and chronic myeloid leukaemia 11 cell lines: five lines were highly sensitive to S63845 (IC50 < 0.1 μM), three were moderately sensitive (0.1 μM < IC50< 1 μM) and three were insensitive to S63845 (IC50>1 μM). In a panel of eight AML cell lines: all lines were sensitive to S63845 (IC50 4–233 nM).

Kinase Assay: 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 175 mM NaCl, 25 μM EDTA, 1 mM TCEP, 0.01% P20 and 1% DMSO is used as a running buffer. The ligand surface is generated using double His-tagged proteins. Serial dilutions of the compound in buffer are injected over the protein surface. All sample measurements are performed at a flow rate of 30 μL per min (injection time 120 s, dissociation time 360 s). The sensor surface is regenerated by consecutive injections of 0.35 M EDTA pH 8.0 with 0.1 mg/mL trypsin, 0.5 M imidazole and 45% DMSO (60 s, 15 μL per min).

Cell Assay: S63845 is a highly selective and potent MCL1 inhibitor. S63845 bound human MCL1 with KD value of 0.19 nM. S63845 was approximately 1,000-fold more potent in killing MCL1-dependent H929 multiple myeloma cells than MCL1 inhibitor A-1210477. S63845 also induced caspase-dependent phosphatidyl-serine exposure, PARP cleavage and cytochrome c release from mitochondria. In HeLa cells, S63845 disrupted binding of BAK and BAX to MCL1. S63845 killed cancer cells through activation of the BAX/BAK-dependent mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by direct inhibition of MCL1.

In VivoIntravenously injected (i.v.) S63845 exerted dose-dependent anti-tumour activity in human multiple myeloma (H929 and AMO1) xenografts in immunocompromised mice, with maximal tumour growth inhibition (TGImax) of 114% in the AMO1 model and 103% in the H929 model. S63845 (25 mg/kg) induced complete regression in 7 out of 8 of the mice at 100 days after treatment in the AMO1 model. S63845 (i.v., 25 mg/kg, 5 days) cured 70% of immuno-competent C57BL/6 mice bearing Eμ-Myc mouse lymphomas, with no side-effects evident in normal tissues. S63845 (12.5 mg/kg) showed potent activity in the MV4-11 human AML xenograft model, with a TGImax of 86%. S63845 (25 mg/kg) resulted in completeremission in 6 out of 8 mice after 80 days.
Animal modelHuman multiple myeloma (H929 and AMO1) xenografted mice
Formulation & DosageIntravenously injected (i.v.), 25 mg/kg
ReferencesNature. 2016 Oct 27;538(7626):477-482.